Saturday, January 23, 2010

Project Runway Episode 2: The Fashion Farm

My Favorites from Episode 2:
Anthony's design
Mila's design
Winner: Jay Nicolas's design
Well, as you all know I love Project Runway, and Thursday's episode was no exception. The task was so genius and interesting. Each of the designers had to make a party look using a burlap potato sack!!! Burlap is obviously not something they would choose or are used to using, and so it took a lot of creativity. Some did wonderful (my favorites are above), and some had some trouble (construction and the over all look). Pamela especially had trouble with the task and ended up going home. Her dress did not flatter the model at all and I didn't like the color. The way she dyed the burlap made it look like jean which just made it look even more cheap and inexpensive (don't get me wrong I love jeans but not a potato sack that looks like jean material!!!). I loved the winning design which was done by Jay Nicolas. The bottom part of the dress reminded me of feathers and was so cute and fun. I also adored Anthony's classic and elegant red dress (I would so wear this) and Mila's edgy design. All in all it was a very interesting task for the designers and I loved watching!!!


  1. i hate that project runway is on at like 1 am on channel 27 :(

  2. Gotta love Project Runway. xo Mish

  3. I too enjoy streaming the wonderful PR episodes here in Aus... nice post!
